How Deep-Sea Fish Are So Exceptionally Black - 1

This shot of a gray heron in Hungary won a silver award in the attention to detail category.
Fotografía de Ahmad Al-essa
A vibrant image of pink flamingos feeding their young at a nesting area in Río Lagartos, Mexico,...
Fotografía de Alejandro Prieto Rojas
Coots (Fulica atra) fight over territory in Derbyshire, U.K., in this gold award winner for bird...
Fotografía de Andrew Parkinson
This shot of an Australian pelican landing in New South Wales, Australia, won a gold in the flight...
Fotografía de Bret Charman
A winner for best portfolio, Markus Varesvuo cast this bearded reedling (Panurus biarmicus) against...
Fotografía de Markus Varesvuo
Another image from portfolio winner Varesvuo captures the grey owl (Strix nebulosa) in Kuusamo,...
Fotografía de Markus Varesvuo
An Andean condor (Vultur gryphus) looks for prey in Torres del Paine National Park, Chile, in this...
Fotografía de Ben Hall
A barn owl hunts in Suffolk, England, in this image that won gold in the birds in the garden...
Fotografía de Jamie Hall
Winning gold in the attention to detail category, this shot of a great cormorant in Hyde Park,...
Fotografía de Tom Hines
A Pacific black duck (Anas superciliosa) shows its feathers in Garvey Park, Perth, Australia. This...
Fotografía de Georgina Steytler
This shot of a whiskered tern (Chlidonias hybrida) in wetlands in Hungary won gold in the young...
Fotografía de Ondrej Pelanek
The Nature Photographers Ltd people's choice award went to this image of a kingfisher (Alcedo...
Fotografía de Vince Burton
A great white heron wrestles with a green snake in the Florida Everglades in this shot from the...
Fotografía de José García